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MD_LOGO_Colour_ONE_FINAL_BBS (1)_edited_
3id,_the_life_and_trials_of_willy_grunch___new_teaser_2013 (720p).png

Project Name

Client Name

Year Delivered



The Life and Trials of
Willy Grunch 


2012 & 2016

Oscar Carambano

Water Missions International


This is our Steamboat Willy, our first animated film project created at MOONDOG Animation Studio! The film series was adapted from the beloved French character, Willy Grunch, created by artist Alain Auderset. MOONDOG launched a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds to create this animation. Since Willy is an existing asset, we were able to use him to promote a water project for Water Missions International. If you have a project and would like to use Willy and Jasmine as actors, contact us for more information.

Creative Provided

Character Design

Concept Art


Project Media

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